What should be done about air pollution and who should do it?

Explore who is passing on the hot potato. Click over one of the actors to see who they are passing the hot potato on to.

On the right, a detail of the actions actors feel responsible for will appear. Click a set of arrows to see the detail of the actions actors say others should take to address air pollution.

The user can hold down the shift key and click on another actor in order to see how each of these actors has apportioned responsibility and actions to other actors.

If the user wants to see just the links between two specific actors, they click on the first one, and then hold down ALT while they click on the second actor.


This is a demo which explains the Hot Potato Machine.

The Hot Potato Machine is an interactive digital device that pulls in previously analysed data about an issue. It offers an visual analysis showing different perspectives on who different actors think should take action to address an issue and what those actions are.

This demo shows how a user might take a route through one aspect of the air pollution issue, focusing on diesel taxis, based on our data gathered relating to London Borough of Camden in January 2018.
The underlying framework and method could be adapted applied to other locations, and other issues.

The screen shows different actors who are involved in the issue of air pollution, according to our data.
Let’s imagine a user who wants to explore the issue of taxis that use diesel.
If the user’s mouse clicks over an actor, then on the tab they can see any actions this actor has apportioned to themselves.

Here the user clicks over Central Government.

The user can click on the link under the summary in the tab to go directly to the online document and find out more.

Here the user clicks on an actor labelled Devolved Government.

Lines appear from this actor to other actors because our data shows that it apportions responsibility for taking action about diesel taxis to them.

The user can hold down the shift key and click on another actor in order to see how each of these actors has apportioned responsibility and actions to other actors.

If the user wants to see just the links between two specific actors, they click on the first one, and then hold down ALT while they click on the second actor.

Then they can see patterns in how responsibilities are being apportioned between these two actors.
The user can click on as many actors as exist (with the shift key down), to see patterns in how responsibilities are being apportioned to other actors – or how the hot potato is being thrown around.
The user can click on the arrows to see the actions that one actor has apportioned to the other actor.
Here the user clicks on the arrows between "Central Government and Devolved Government"